Consejos y tutoriales

Fly of the Month: Targeting Fish with Egg Patterns During the Fall Spawn
As fall's spawning season begins, trout and steelhead become highly aggressive and focused on eggs drifting in the current. Egg patterns like the Glo Bug and Spawn Sac are crucial for anglers during this time. This blog covers the top egg patterns for fall, including when and how to fish them, with tips on selecting the best size and color for varying water conditions. We also explore the effectiveness of egg-sucking leeches and streamers for triggering strikes during the spawn.
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El huevo increíble y los gusanos maravillosos
A medida que la nieve se derrite y la temperatura comienza a subir, la primavera trae una época emocionante para la pesca con mosca. Durante este tiempo, muchas especies de peces se están preparando para su temporada de desove, lo que significa que se alimentan y buscan alimento activamente. Una de las técnicas más efectivas durante este tiempo es utilizar patrones de huevos y gusanos.
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